Sandy owes her salvation to her rescuer Erica, but also a little to chance. The woman spotted it on live video showing tornado damage. Realizing that she was alive, she dropped everything she was doing to help her and help her find her loved ones.

Abi Wells was more than 3 hours from her home when it was devastated by a tornado. There, in Madison ( United States ), there was still one member of the family, Sandy . This 3-year-old cat was spotted among the rubble by a kind-hearted woman. Who did everything to help her.
On December 9, the state of Tennessee was hit by severe weather, causing several victims. Like others, the city of Madison was not spared and many homes were destroyed by the tornado.
“Oh my God, it’s a little cat!” »
Associations mobilized to save the victims and help clean up the communities. Erica Williams was part of one as a volunteer, News Nation Now reported . The Sunday following the storm, she watched a live video filmed by her friend Ricky Sessum who wanted to show people the damage.
It was then that a small red-haired figure in the background caught his attention. No doubt, it was a cat and it certainly needed help. He slept in a ball among the trash. Erica immediately informed Ricky , who returned to get the animal.
The cat was in bad shape, but very much alive
The man said he was “ barely breathing .” There was no time to lose to save him, so Erica rushed to find him and take him to the vet. The caregivers took care of him, not failing to thank the woman for saving his life. Thanks to his microchip, they were able to contact his owner Abi Wells .
Not being in town, she did not know that her house had been destroyed. She was able to retrieve her feline once she returned home. Erica Williams , the kind-hearted benefactor, was very moved by the furball and said she had simply done her duty by helping him.