Officer Michael Pascale was on duty one chilly and rainy day in New York when he drove past a park and spotted a desperate dog clearly in need of his help.
The distressed black dog was soaked, shivering, and had a thick chain around his neck, tethering him to a fence. Surrounded by broken beer bottles and used needles, it was evident to Officer Pascale that he needed to assist the abandoned dog. He recalled, “He’s just staring up at me with these ‘Help Me’ eyes. My first thought was I’ve got to get him out of here.”
Officer Pascale released the dog from his chain and took him to the Animal Care Center of New York City’s shelter in Brooklyn. He stayed with the dog, drying him with a towel. A deep bond began forming between them. Pascale said, “I don’t just see an animal; I see a soul. And that’s not something I turn away from.”
Officer Pascale texted his wife a photo of the dog and, deeply moved, she replied, “bring him home.” However, there was a hurdle to overcome. According to the shelter, despite the dog’s terrible condition, a mandatory 72-hour stray hold had to be placed on the dog in case his owner was searching for him. It was uncertain how the pup ended up in such deplorable conditions, and it was possible someone was missing him.
Officer Pascale promised the dog he would visit him daily until he could bring him home. True to his word, he returned the next few days, each time growing closer to the sweet dog, who now greeted him with tail wags and kisses.
Finally, the stray hold was lifted, and Joey greeted Pascale at the shelter one last time. The adoption paperwork was completed, and Joey was headed to his forever home, where he would never face abuse again.
Joey’s life took a wonderful turn. He now enjoys cruising the city with his dad and snuggling on the couch with his fur mom. According to his dad, he’s become quite the mama’s boy and, like most dogs, he’s not a fan of the rain.
You can follow Joey’s adventures on his Instagram page. Please share his rescue story to support all the abandoned dogs still in need of a loving home of their own.